Sunday, February 20, 2011

Buatmu ukhti 2

Hati cemas, gusar, sedih
Dari riak wajahmu timbul pelbagai persoalan
Mudahnya hati mengesan perubahanmu
Ukhti, bicaralah apa masalahnya?

Sungguh, ketahuilah,
Senyummu sesuatu yang benar dihargai
Dan pabila ia hilang
Gusaran hatiku terus menyelubungi

Sukar untuk pertahankan nilai ukhuwwah ini
Kadang-kala diri tidak menyedari perasaan yang mengulit hatimu
Tapi, Allah masih menjaga kesatuan hati kita
Kerana diriku masih sedar tatkala kau cuba menjauh

Duhai yang dicintai,
Konflik dirimu harus diketepi
Beringatlah bahawa di sisi kita ada musuh yang pendengki
Dia selalu berusaha membisikkan keraguan dalam hatimu
Adakah kau mahu mengalah padanya?

Kuatkan jiwamu ukhti
Andai jalan ini mudah diikuti
Pastilah sang kekasih Allah itu tidak merasa bimbang untuk umatnya
Andai jalan ini tidak menguji
Sudah pastilah baginda tidak ditentang
Andai jalan ini disukai
Sudah pastilah dunia ini serupa syurga
Andai jalan ini tidak menuntut pengorbanan
Kita tidak perlu memilih antara dua
Menjadi manusia yang itsar
Atau manusia yang menerima itsar

Tarbiyyah adalah permulaan
Tarbiyyah juga sentiasa berjalan
Tarbiyyah tidak akan merugikanmu

Ketahuilah ukhti,
Seorang hamba itu tidak terlepas dengan ujiannya
Saat ujian itu hadir
Kau harus kuat menghadapinya
Jangan biar keraguanmu parah
Carilah semula kekuatan
Dan kekuatan itu,
Tidak disangkal lagi datangnya dari iman

Jangan bosan ukhti
Ujian keimanan pasti kau lalui
Kau hamba Allah
Diriku dan akhawat juga
Benarkah kau tahu, kita tiada ujiannya?

Ujian itu,
Ada objektif dan subjektif
Mudah saja kita mengasihani orang yang diuji objektif
Tapi bagi ujian subjektif
Siapa yang sedar?
Hanya yang menghadapi, merasakan sulitnya

Berdoalah ukhti
Andai hikmah ujian belum membuka hatimu
Kubenar2 mempercayainya
Doa ialah penawar dan tuaian hasil yang paling utuh
Biarlah hasil tuaianmu belum menjadi
Ku yakin ia juga sedang ditarbiyyah penciptanya
Semakin lama doamu belum berjawab
Semakin DIA mencintaimu
Semakin DIA merindui tangisan di malam2mu
Semakin DIA menambah nikmat menyucikan jiwamu
Alangkah indahnya ukhti
Bila DIA semakin menghampiri hati kita

Moganya dirimu dan diriku
Ikatan cinta yang dasarnya iman
Kekal selamanya
Kerana kau dan aku adalah pelengkap bangunan itu
Bangunan yang mencakar langit ke tujuh
Bangunan yang meninggikan kalimah Allah
Akan kuteguhkan ikatan batunya
Dan kau juga harus membantuku
Tidakkan kubiar dirimu tercampak ke jurang bangunan
Kerana sejarah lama tak harus kembali
Sebaliknya dirimu dan diriku harus mencipta sejarah baru
Sejarah yang menggugah alam ini

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Because he is A Muslim










News from Egypt

Cairo is burning. So is EgyptTwitter is exploding. Everyone seems to have an opinion—many who do have never even been to Egypt but feel a strong sense of solidarity with the most remarkable revolution in a generation, perhaps. A revolution which importantly is not really caused by Twitter or by Facebook—as much as the self congratulatory social networking types in the West would like to believe.  
Full disclosure: Sleepless but still sitting in relative comfort in my Manhattan apartment I am one of those relentless tweeters. However my obsession stems from a long love and association with Egypt and the presence of way too many friends who have jumped into the chaos not really knowing what consequences their actions might have for themselves or their friends and families. 
I must also be clear. At this point, on this the longest Egyptian night in a generation, perhaps longer—most Western self professed Islam/Middle East and other assorted pundits have no clue about the harsh reality of Egyptian life. Many have probably never taken a walk down Mashriet Nasser, the largest slum in Cairo. This is why the do not realize that this “revolution” is not about social networking and its success. The majority of the 80 million people of Egypt live in abject poverty. They do not even have cell-phones let alone smartphones like the iPhone or the Droid. They go to kiosks to make calls. A pretty substantial number of them have NEVER used the internet and do not have email accounts: the complicated mechanisms of self-promotion and information gathering and sharing on social networks is not a part of their lives—they have never had the money or the resources to get access to this other world which often lives in the relatively more affluent neighborhoods like Zamalek or Garden City or Mohandaseen—all within some walking distance of where the dissent started in Tahrir Square. 
The majority of the protesters in Cairo, in Suez, in Alexandria, in Luxor, in Mahla, in Manoura and all over this ancient land which is the very heart of what it means to be Arab—are not “twittering” or “facebooking” or “emailing”  or even watching the landmark live coverage that Al-Jazeera is providing. They are out on the streets—and yes, without phone access—risking their lives and giving vent to three decades and perhaps more, of anger. 
They are fighting for very basic human rights. They are fighting for affordable food. They are fighting for dignity. They are fighting for accountability. They are fighting to somehow improve the non-existent financial opportunities in their lives. 
They are not interested in Mohamed AlBaradei’s Nobel prize or his rather recent and opportunist political ambitions. Most of them have not really seen him and have no idea of what he has been up to for the last three decades as they have suffered. They are angry that he decided to show up just last night and started posturing immediately as the potential savior and the best person to lead them into their uncertain future. Many here in the West would be surprised to know that a lot of these simple folk would actually prefer the “Muslim Brotherhood” taking over. Atleast they recognize the “Islam Light” the Brotherhood has honed to perfection after a pretty radical and conservative beginning with an idealogue like Banna. 
My friend Fouad Hani though has had access to all of the above including a very nice smartphone. That has not deterred him from stepping out every night and after about six hours of trying I get him on the phone. 
As always here are his primary bullet points unfiltered in his voice from a brief phone conversation (and yes, he has been dodging very real bullets today) 
  • My beloved city is on fire. My country is on fire. But each one of us on the streets is also on fire
  • I am exhausted. Mobinil is down. So is Vodaphone. I have no idea what is happening beyond what I have seen myself. Facebook and Twitter seem like a joke right now
  • I live in Mohandaseen and decided not to go the big Mostafa Mahmood mosque near my house, because I know that “they” would be there.I went to pray at a smaller mosque. It was beautiful to pray. I had tears
  • But as soon as we stepped out they pelted us with tear gas and with tear gas canisters. We threw them back. But my hand got burnt
  • They tried to separate all of us as we walked towards Tahrir square
  • Police were throwing rocks at us
  • There are bruises and bumps all over my body
  • I saw two bodies on the ground in Tahrir. Like an animal I just kept on walking past them
  • We threw Molotov cocktails at the police
  • Is there a curfew Parvez? Really? I had no idea—it certainly did not look like a curfew when I was just walking home
  • Has Obama said anything? I don’t expect much from him anyway, this Mubarak is his “puppy”
  • Mubarak should go and share a room with that asshole Ben Ali in his Jiddah hotel! We were chanting that in Tahrir.
  • This is a joke. Btw can Obama find a working fucking phone in this country? I guess Mubarak’s phone is working rt?
  • Pray for us.
  • [read the full article…]